Photo Release Form for Minor Children
I hereby grant Monavation permission to publish photographs taken of me and/or the minor children listed below, along with our names, for use on their website and in any future events. I release Monavation from any expectation of confidentiality regarding the minor children and myself. I affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children named in this form and possess the authority to authorize Monavation to utilize their photographs and names.
I acknowledge that participation in publications and websites produced by Monavation is voluntary and that neither the minor children nor I will receive financial compensation. Additionally, I understand that participation in any publication or website produced by Monavation does not grant us any rights of ownership.
I release Monavation, its officials, agents, volunteers, contractors, and employees from liability for any claims made by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the minor child or children named below in the one-day, 3-hour skills clinic.
Liability Release and Parental Consent Form
In consideration of the acceptance of my application for Monavation’s one-day, 3-hour skills clinic, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims for damages resulting from personal injury or property damage that may occur to my child as a result of their participation in the clinic with Monavation. This release is intended to discharge in advance Monavation, its officials, officers, employees, contractors, volunteers, and agents from liability, even if such liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of the individuals mentioned above. I understand that recreational activities involve inherent risks, and I willingly assume these risks. Furthermore, I acknowledge and agree that this waiver, release, and assumption of risk are binding on my heirs and assignees.
I hereby give my consent for my child to participate in the clinic mentioned above and execute the liability release on my child’s behalf.
I also grant my consent for emergency medical personnel, a physician, or surgeon to treat my child in the event of sudden illness or injury during the clinic. I understand that Monavation does not provide medical insurance for such treatment, and I will be responsible for any associated costs.
I have thoroughly read and comprehended the foregoing registration liability release and parental consent form, and I agree to all its terms and conditions. I confirm that I am currently of sound mind while electronically signing this document.
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